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All Are Welcome!
Welcome! St. Dominic's is a new community of prayer in the American National Catholic Church, sponsored by Catholics in the Diaspora, gathered to worship together and be refreshed to spread the Good News of Jesus to all. We are growing and excited to be engaged in this apostolic activity. All are welcome here. Bring your heart, your dreams, and your gifts; join us.
Parish Mission Statement
To live as a Catholic Community, inspired and guided by St Dominic de Guzmán in prayer and study, to preach the Love of God to all we meet; to raise up the fallen, bring the experience of God's love to the brokenhearted and disenfranchised; to worship with joy.
1/31/2021 at Saint Dominic's
Faith, worship, and community.
What to Expect when Worshipping at St. Dominic’s
We gather around the altar and celebrate the Eucharist as a community of Catholic believers. The prayers we use are the Novo Ordis, very fancy name for the prayer that were changed most recently by Rome. For example, the response to the "Lord with with you," is "And also with you." You will be attending a Catholic Church, just not a parish affiliated with Rome.
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Our Pastor, Friar Owen, OPA, PhD
Friar Owen is a member of the Order of Preachers American. He is an ordained priest of the American National Catholic Church. He holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the Union Institute and University. Before founding St. Dominic's, Friar Owen has a long career as a pastoral musician. He is a faculty member at Purchase College and Capella University.
About the American National Catholic Church
The American National Catholic Church (ANCC) is an independent Catholic community dedicated to making the world a more compassionate place by embracing the Gospel calling of Jesus Christ. The American National Catholic Church is a contemporary expression of an ancient faith. We are Catholic by tradition and apostolic succession. We, like many other Catholic communities, are not affiliated with Rome. There is a firm commitment to the sacraments. We embrace the eucharistic liturgy as promulgated by the Second Vatican Council. Guided by the Spirit, we embrace a broad faith where all are welcomed and affirmed. challenging ourselves to embrace the Gospel calling of Jesus Christ.
Saint Dominic's is committed to the active participation of all in the governance, life, and mission of the parish. Modeled after the Dominican communitarian democracy with a clear focus on mission, the governance structure is based on the 4 pillars of Dominican Life:
- Preaching
- Prayer
- Study
- Community

Who is Saint Dominic de Guzmán?
Dominic was born in 1170 in Castile, Spain. It was said that at his baptism, the priest saw a star-shaped light on the baby’s forehead. You will sometimes see a star in artwork of St. Dominic, and he is the patron saint of astronomers.
When he grew up, he studied and became a priest. He used what he learned to fight against the Albigensian heresy. The Albigensian heresy said that all matter is evil. The human body is matter. They taught that the physical world was evil – even though God's Son chose to live in it Himself Therefore, they taught that the human body is evil. And if the human body is evil, then Jesus was not human. It was in this community, hungering for the Gospel message of Christ’s redemption of the world, that Dominic discovered the depth of his vocation and laid the foundation for the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans.
Dominic stepped forward to preach the good news that Jesus was both human and divine. That man was Dominic. He wanted the Albigensians to know that their bodies were good and holy. He wanted them to remember that they were created in God’s image.
Dominic died in 1221, at the age of 51, and was canonized in 1234. His Dominicans still continue to pray and study and preach today.
Dominic understood many hearers of the Gospel needed more than exhortation; they needed preachers who could explain the difficulties and doubts which arise in the minds both of the faithful and those hearing the Good News for the first time. The brethren who knew Dominic reported that while he was virtually always joyful and sociable with others, he lived a life mostly immersed in the scriptures when he wasn’t preaching.
Dominic fought the heresies of his time by preaching the gospel message. In our time, we are faced with heresies, possibly the greatest of these is the idea that some are, for whatever reason outside the love of God, the God of all creation in whose image we are all made. The message of God's redeeming love freely given to all is our message to fight this contemporary evil.
Our Sponsor, Catholics in the Diaspora
“A group of people who live outside the area in which they had lived for a long time or in which their ancestors lived," are people in the diaspora. For many reasons, Catholics have experienced separation from the place where they grew up, where their ancestors lived. They live in the diaspora. The ministry of Catholics in the Diaspora is focused on reaching out to these members of the family of faith, a community that is one with the great cloud of believers. Please journey with us.
Our Worship Location:
Due to concerns related to the COVID pandemic, all worship is provided online on the Media tab, via Facebook, or directly sent to your device via Flocknotes (Text SDHV to 84576)
Contact us
Reach out via
US Postal Service: 56 Doris Lee Dr, Cortland Manor, NY 10567
Telephone: 914-246-4982
Email: Friar Owen at
Flocknotes: Text SDHV to 84576